Make Sure Your Mom Dresses Appropriately for the Weather
Hawaii saw a blizzard promising more than a foot of snow and winds of up to 100 mph.
Meanwhile, several states are experiencing record-breaking highs.
Your mom already struggles with dressing as dementia worsens. How can you ensure she’s dressing appropriately for the weather when the weather seems so unusual?
Organize Her Closets
Companion Care at Home Chester, PA: Dressing Correctly and Seniors
Organize your mom’s closets by temperature range. Label the sections if needed. Instead of putting the season, you could put a temperature range and use colors. Blue can be cold, red can be hot, and yellow or orange can be warm.
When she needs to pick clothing, she can match the temperature outside to the right section of her closet or wardrobe. If she feels cool and needs another layer, make sure a jacket or cardigan is stored in an easily accessible area like her living room or family room.
Purchase Cube Storage
Get a cube storage system. Ideally, you want one with at least seven cubes. Label them with numbers or days of the week, whichever your mom understands best.
Check the forecast and arrange clothing by day into each cube. When it’s time for her to dress, you’ve already organized your mom’s clothing for her.
Make Sure She Dresses in Layers
Get your mom to dress in layers. If she’s too warm, she can take a piece of clothing off. If she’s cold, she can put one back on. On the coldest winter days, a lap quilt or blanket can keep her warmer while she sits and reads or watches a show.
Invest in the Right Outdoor Apparel
Make sure your mom has a pair of boots that keep her feet warm and dry. Tread that grips the ice and prevents a slip and fall is good. If you can’t find tread that’s good enough, look into traction straps that attach to the bottom of the boots.
A hat, scarf, and gloves are also necessary. Gloves that allow your mom to use the screen on her smartphone without removing them are a good idea if she brings her phone with her on walks. An important investment is a jacket that repels water and traps heat against the body.
Hire Personal Care Aides to Help Her With Dressing
Companion care at home aides are available to help your mom with grooming, personal care, and dressing. If your mom would benefit from having caregivers help her choose appropriate clothing and put on the right gear before heading outside for a walk.
Call an agency and speak to a specialist to arrange companion care at home. You’ll discuss the availability of services and prices. From there, you can book arrangements that meet your mom’s needs.
If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home in Chester, PA please contact the caring staff at True Direct Home Health Care today.
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